Senin, 25 November 2013

Tipe - Tipe Phobia

A phobia is an excessive fear on something or phenomena . Phobias can be said to hamper the lives of people who have it . For some people , fear a person with phobia difficult to understand . That is why , sufferers are often made ​​months monthly by surrounding friends . There is a difference between " language " between the observer with a person with a phobia phobia .
Observers phobia using the language of logic while a person with a phobia typically use language sense . For the observer feels funny if someone big man , afraid of small animals such as cockroaches or mice . While at the mental image of a person with a phobia of the subject becomes very large objects , colored , extremely repulsive or frightening .
Under normal circumstances every person has the ability to control fear . However, when a person is exposed continuously to the subject phobia , it could potentially lead to fixation . Fixation is a mental condition where a person becomes locked , which is caused by the inability of the person concerned in controlling his fear . Other causes of fixation can also be caused by a very extreme circumstances such as trauma bomb , stuck elevators , and so on .
A person experiencing mental fixation that growth will have emotional difficulties ( mental blocks ) later in the day. That is because the person does not have a release channel emotions ( catharsis ) right . Each time the person interacting with the source phobia will automatically feel anxious and so " comfortable " then the best way is the easy and fast way of " pulling back " / regression to a state of fixation . Anxiety is not addressed as early as possible the potential to cause the accumulation of negative emotions that is continuously pushed back into the unconscious ( repression ) . The negative response patterns may develop other phobias subject to subject and its intensity increased. Although it seems trivial , " pattern " of the response will be used continuously to respond to other issues . That's why someone with a phobia becomes more vulnerable and less productive .
Some terms in connection with phobias :
afrophobia - fear of Africans or African culture .
Agoraphobia - fear on the field
Antlophobia - fear of flooding .
Bibliophobia - fear of books
caucasophobia - fear of people from the Caucasus race .
Cenophobia - fear of an empty room .
claustrophobia - fear of riding the elevator .
dendrophobia - afraid of trees
Ecclesiophobia - fear of the church
Felinophobia - fear of cats
Genuphobia - fear of the knee
hydrophobia - fear of water .
hyperphobia - fear of heights
iatrophobia - fear of doctors
japanophobia - fear of the Japanese
lygopobia - fear of darkness
necrophobia - fear of death
Panophobia - fear of everything
photophobia - fear of light .
Ranidaphobia - fear of frogs
schlionophobia - fear of school
Uranophobia - fear of heaven
venustraphobia - scared of beautiful woman
xanthophobia - fear of the color yellow
arachnophobia - fear of spiders
Lachanophobia - fear of vegetables
Take a look deh - long phobia list below , . Ablutophobia - fear of bathing, washing , or cleaning .
Altophobia - Fear of heights .
Agraphobia - With Fear of sexual abuse .
Aichmophobia - fear with any sharp object ( such as a razor blade , a pin , knife , scissors , machete )
Algophobia - Fear of pain .
Agyrophobia - Fear with every fork in the road .
Androphobia - scared of other people .
Aquaphobia - fear of water .
Aviophobia - Aviatophobia - afraid to use the aircraft / spacecraft else .
Bibliophobia - fear of books
Coulrophobia - Fear of clowns
Dendrophobia - fear of the tree
Emetophobia - Fear of vomiting .
Erotophobia - Fear of the problems associated with sex or that
Felinophobia - fear of cats
Gelotophobia - Fear of being ridiculed
Gerascophobia - fear of being old
Glossophobia - fear of public speaking
Gynophobia - Fear of women .
Heliophobia - afraid of sunlight
Hemophobia , - Fear of seeing blood spurting from a human or animal body .
lygopobia - fear of darkness .
iatrophobia - scared of doctors
Lachanophobia - fear with vegetables
Necrophobia - scared to death
Panophobia - fear of everything
Phasmophobia - fear of the devil , ghost or something that does not seem tp creeping .
Pyrophobia - fear of fire .
Scopophobia - afraid to look or stare .
Somniphobia - fear of sleep .
Triskaidekaphobia Fear with nomor13

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