Senin, 25 November 2013



Motorcycles are vehicles with the greatly increased number of applicants each year in Indonesia . 
Many who bought it out of necessity or as an alternative to avoid congestion in major cities .
 Apart from all the most important is the owner must be able to care for and maintain the bike .
The following are tips on caring for and maintaining the durability of the motorcycle :
The first time is that you have to really understand the use of the motor module you buy , because every motorcycle manufacturer has prepared the book in order to use the module in the use of these motors can create safety and comfort for the rider as well as the durability of the motor itself .

Let you wash the bike once a week with special detergents that are sold in stores that exist , or the minimum you wash every look decent condition for the motor is already washed .

Change your oil regularly / periodically in accordance with the instructions innate motor module .
Heat the motor every day , although not ridden that day , it aims to maintain the durability of the engine and the motor battery .

Do not force your motor with a certain speed that does not comply with his teeth ( if your motor manual / non- matic ) , it is often the case and considered trivial by most motorists . for example, high cliffs rise to 4th gear at low speed prefix . This will cause the " down machine " at a later date .
That's all the things we can tell from the tips to care for and maintain the durability of the motorcycle .

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